Sunday, December 14, 2014

Working on Baxter's book 3 and beyond?

My publisher, editor, and illustrator now have Baxter's second book.  It will give my illustrator the chance to start her sketching while the text goes through editing, which should be a quick process. I have a good editor.

So I am now working on Baxter's next adventure, Searching for Sunflowers.  I had written out what I THOUGHT was going to be this story a year ago. However, my writing group gave me excellent advice to cut the book into two story lines.

This morning, I went through the manuscript from last summer and highlighted the text that went into Rainbow Tracks.  I've got about half the third book to now work on. If I stick to a focused schedule, I should have this third manuscript completed in a month or so.

And then?

In my writing group, the other three writers focus on movie and TV.  They are rocking!  It's inspiring to be in such a successful group.  So, my plan will be to get out my movie script and clean it up. They've given me some great feedback for the next revision.  I may step away from children's books and books for a while because I have so many other ideas started for cartoons, TV, and movies.

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