Wednesday, August 7, 2013

And it continues....

I need to break up with PROCRASTINATION. I'm not sure how, but HE always messes up my intentions to write and revise. I try to tell HIM that I enjoy writing - the process, the creativity, all of it. However, HE  seems to get me with all of HIS tricks. Grrrrr..... I want to break up with you, Procrastination.

So, maybe I need to analyze this relationship and help myself with my handy-dandy life-coaching skills. I frequently have to wear two hats at the same time; it always helps that the life-coaching hat is the sensible hat.

Here is the conversation we had:

Writer Tess:  I can't write. Procrastination always ruins my plans. I keep talking about finishing my script, but I haven't. I can't keep pushing my dates back and coming up short on my promises. Even if the promises are just to myself, I need to keep them.

Life-Coach Tess:  Why don't you break up, then?

W:  I'm scared.

LC: What scares you?

W: Letting go. If I break up with Procrastination, then I have to finish and let go of this (script, book, article, etc.)

LC: So, you're scared of the next phase? Will you be alone after you let this (script, book, article, etc.) go?

W:  Well, no. I have others that I could spend time with. I like them, too, and they aren't getting my attention.

LC:  That's GREAT! Tell me about them...

W: There's a cool film idea that I got from an awesome dream I had. As soon as I woke up, I wrote down three or four pages of notes.  There's also a new Baxter book I want to write. I feel like I need to spend time with Baxter since his first book comes out in November.  I think he wants another book for the spring.  I also have an animated TV pilot and series I started. It was coming along nicely during my classes, but I had to move on to get to all of the other assignments.

LC: I don't know about you, but I think those are exciting relationships to build. What do you think?

W:  Yeah....they are. I can do this. I can break up with Procrastination. I'll finish up The Collective and send it out because it's really about ready to leave the nest. Then, I have three new friends to spend time with.

LC: Sounds like you have the beginnings of a plan. Let's talk again next week, and you can fill me in on the new relationships.  

W:  I did manage to set up an email and a Twitter before my last little vacation. Procrastination didn't even notice.


LC:  You go, girl!

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